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Extracurricular Activities

Black Girl Magic Book Club
This Book Club is open to any and all 3rd - 5th grade students interested. Join us for a year-long exploration of books while reflecting on our own stories and identity development to build positive self-esteem, self-image, and self-worth!

Books of Belonging
This program is for grades Kindergarten and 1st.

Boys Running Strong
Walker School’s groundbreaking boys running program is called Boys Running Strong. It is an after school program in the fall, and open to boys in 4th and 5th grade.  We have designed our program to promote positive thinking, encourage healthy behaviors for physical and emotional well-being, and set personal training goals.  Using PBIS data and observing the social and emotional needs of our boys, we continually develop lessons and activities to cultivate positive behaviors.  We charge a minimal fee each season that helps ensure all interested boys have an opportunity to participate.  The fee covers snacks each session, activity materials, and a special BRS t-shirt. Each season ends with the boys running a local Chicago 5K race and experiencing the thrill of completing their goal.  BRS is led by three 4th and 5th grade teachers -- Laura Rouse, Freda Wood-Livingston, and Kelly Oldfield -- who developed the program in 2014.

Girls Running Strong
Walker School is home to Girls Running Strong, a spring running program open to girls in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.  This is an after school program modeled after our groundbreaking Boys Running Strong program in the fall, and launched in 2016.  We promote self-confidence, encourage healthy behaviors for physical and emotional well-being, and set personal training goals.  Each session focuses on the needs of our girls, using games and activities to promote strong minds and bodies.  With the help of our amazing parent community, we have been able offer this program to nearly 50 girls each season.  At the end of the season, the girls run a local Chicago 5K race and experience the thrill of completing their goal.  GRS is led by the program developers, 4th and 5th grade teachers Laura Rouse, Freda Wood-Livingston, and Kelly Oldfield. 

4th and 5th grade students are invited to participate. All you have to do is:

  1. Read one or more of the Bibliomania titles and compete for prizes, and/or
  2. Participate in the Bibliomania Book Club during recess to create and have fun with other readers!

Bibliomania books are available to all D65 students as ebooks and audio books from Sora. Hard copy books are also available at the Walker school library, Evanston Public Library, Skokie Public Library and our local book stores like Booked!, Barnes and Noble, and Bookends and Beginnings.

Out-of-School Time (OST) Program fosters social-emotional learning and school success--offering academic support, enrichments, and opportunities for peer connection and fun. On a quarterly basis, Y.O.U. carefully designs and selects developmentally-appropriate program components¹ to engage youth along a path of exposure in our Elementary Program, exploration in our Middle School Program, and experience in our High School Program. Y.O.U. collaborates with more than 50 partner providers to expand experiential learning opportunities in safe and nurturing environments.

District 65 Athletics & Enrichment
Visit the District 65 Athletics & Enrichment page for information about spring, fall, and winter elementary athletic teams, activities and after school enrichment programs.